Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What's behind every addictive thought?

What's behind every addictive thought?

What's behind every time I feel I have to eat something to feel better, drink something to escape the pain of living, work until I drop to feel like I'm a good person, talk and fight and weep over petty thoughts?

I chased after this answer for 24 years through 12-step groups and spiritual groups and ACIM meetings and lessons and conversations and prayers and affirmations until finally I discovered the answer within.


It's the fear that ACIM talks about. And until I am floating on a cloud of joy it will be there.

But little by little it is now being removed. I see and feel and know it happening. It's being healed.

I couldn't heal it. I tried so hard in so many ways. Finally I learned that my trying to heal it was a part of the problem.

It can only be healed through surrender.

Today I surrender the fear that is causing this addiction, this substitute for God's Love. I place the fear on God's Altar to Joy. I place myself on God's Altar to Joy. I love you.

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