Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Paltalk this morning: Sacrifice



Rewritten lyrics to the Elton John/Bernie Taupin song, No Sacrifice.

There Is No Sacrifice

It's a human sign
When things go wrong
To believe I must give up
For what I deeply long

Into the boundary
of my guilt-struck heart
Sweet lies come calling
“You are safer apart”

Cold, cold heart
Love dies inside
I look for a dark place
Where I can hide

But there's no sacrifice
Just a simple word
It's my heart believing
In a separate world
But there's no sacrifice
No sacrifice
No sacrifice at all

I lose direction
Darkness makes a wrong turn
I flee from the hope of Love
And the fear returns

Some Light glimmers
From beyond this dark veil
There's a way to remember
Love can never fail

I'm never lost
I'm never alone
There's a holy direction
where the dream is undone

lli Jan. 15, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New blog name: Amicus Pax

Hello Dear Beloveds~

The new name for this blog, Amicus Pax, has a meaning in the world of "Friend(s) of Peace." For a long time, I was considering changing my name from Laurie Immekus, my birth name, to Laur Amicus, or LL Amicus, or some other variations.

But I give everything all the meaning it has for me, and changing my name stopped having meaning to me.

I also have been sharing on the internet with the web page 'lightexperiences.com." But I stopped paying for that website when my budget changed. I can't gain access to it at this time, it appears. Also, the Light Experiences website was more specifically geared toward sharing my and others near-death-type experiences and other spiritual experiences.

I love this new expression meaning friend of peace, Amicus Pax. I hope it is a place you will enjoy visiting. As Kathryn Thompson would say, "Come Joy'n in Peace!"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You are the Angel

You are the Angel. You are the Light. All the answers are within you.

We are all on the journey. Everyone on this is a volunteer and a hero. I am honored to be here with you.

Thank you for your part.

This volunteer journey can be a hard road to walk. When you are in pain and suffering and confusion you are still magnificent.

You are the Angel. Thank you for helping me complete my journey.

What's behind every addictive thought?

What's behind every addictive thought?

What's behind every time I feel I have to eat something to feel better, drink something to escape the pain of living, work until I drop to feel like I'm a good person, talk and fight and weep over petty thoughts?

I chased after this answer for 24 years through 12-step groups and spiritual groups and ACIM meetings and lessons and conversations and prayers and affirmations until finally I discovered the answer within.


It's the fear that ACIM talks about. And until I am floating on a cloud of joy it will be there.

But little by little it is now being removed. I see and feel and know it happening. It's being healed.

I couldn't heal it. I tried so hard in so many ways. Finally I learned that my trying to heal it was a part of the problem.

It can only be healed through surrender.

Today I surrender the fear that is causing this addiction, this substitute for God's Love. I place the fear on God's Altar to Joy. I place myself on God's Altar to Joy. I love you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Post from May 27, 2010 moved from Angel Awareness Center blog:

I'm getting a lot of messages and information from Spirit lately on energy and how we use it and how we can use it for loving purposes.

This morning I woke up and felt all my energy flowing gently in this experience I call "my body," which you and I know is in Mind. It felt so beautiful, and there were no blocks. I was given some useful information. That when we have a block in one area of our mind, which will correspond to an area of our body and chakras (because they are symbolic of us, like our own personal "avatar," they are in our minds), we will experience that block in the body and chakras. So in a sense, the body can be a very helpful tool in helping us discover what is in our minds.

The day before yesterday I was shopping all day. In the past, I have not been able to do that. My feet would give out after one store. Now with this new information I am getting, my feet didn't give out for six hours of shopping and going to different stores and places, six or seven of them. What I did was some spiritual visualization techniques: First, I gave myself a grounding cord. Next, I visualized loving Mother Earth energy coming up through my feet chakras, and I opened up the chakras as wide as they would go. It felt so healing and relaxing. I brought that energy up all the way to the base chakra and cervex, stopping at each joint and visualizing the energy centers opening. Then I allowed just a little of that Mother Earth energy to go all the way up through the body and spurting out the crown chakra like a geiser.

Finally, I brought what is often called Cosmic energy, but I call it Father God Energy, in through the crown chakra, opening that chakra up all the way. Then I brought that energy through all the chakras all the way to the base chakra, opening those energy centers all the way as I went. At the bast chakra, I lowered the Father God energy to ten percent and mingled it with the Mother Earth energy, bringing it all the way down and through my feet chakras, spurting out into the ground like a waterfall.

Before I went into that first store I was so energized I could have powered the Energizer Bunny! LOL!

In between stores I just quickly, within maybe 30 seconds, just visualized in my mind that all my energy was still running. It was wonderful.

There was more that came to me about going shopping. It feels so physically draining to me. Going back to the Mind, all minds are joined in the One Mind as the Course calls it. So, for example, when I am in contact with other people, what I'm getting is I am picking up more of what is in their minds than when I am at home and relaxing. As a sensitive person, it has been stressing me out. But I'm sure even less-sensitive people are picking up thoughts and energies from other people's minds, the difference is they might be chalking it up to more commonly-acceptable things in the physical world.

It was helpful just to remember that. Before I went in the stores, I asked Spirit to bless everyone I came in contact with, all the cars, parking lot and stores nearby. I saw them all in the Light as they are--One with God. While I was shopping, everyone I came in contact with had their own thoughts and energies that were affecting me. I remembered that, and remembered the Truth, and it was easier to relax, to bless them, and release them. Bless and release. LOL!

Well, that's it in a nutshell, except I forgot to mention that this morning while I was experiencing the beautiful open energy feeling, I was receiving information about how beautifully Ho'oponopono fits in to all of this energy information. Spirit showed me how to make it into another prayer for the AAC website: See that this is my dream, I am the dreamer, so I am responsible for everything in the dream--not guilty or to blame, just responsible. As the responsible "party" so to speak, I can extend healing to another by realizing that I made their illness just as much as they did or anyone else contributed to it. It's my dream. This is wonderful because it says I have something I can "do" about it. What I do is I visualize the person's block in my mind, I don't necessarily know what it is, but that's okay. Then I ask what color it is represented by, see the color, and from there I can do many things with it such as sending it down my grounding cord into Mother Earth's loving embrace, bringing Father God's immersing love into it, washing it clean of illness. In my mind I know our minds are joined. I give my permission for this dream to be "healed" of un-love. And I thank God--I am so grateful. That corresponds with the traditional Ho'oponopono and with Dr. Lee's take on it: I'm sorry, I love you!